Sous dôme #2
La Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, Paris
36 degrés presents the second edition of the festival « Sous dôme » dedicated to immersive works intended to be projected at 360°.

From March 22nd to 24th, 2024
Organized in collaboration with the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie and Jérémy Oury, the event offers a variety of offerings and formats to draw an immersive panorama of creation, under a dome.
The program includes 360° screenings, round tables, a masterclass, a workshop, VR demonstrations and live performances.
© Photos : V. Besnard
36 degrés x Jérémy Oury
This curation brings together short films by national and international artists.
Limelight – Entropy
Julius Horsthuis & Eric Raynaud - Isometric
Kati Katona – Emergence
9GD – Burn
Jérémy Oury – Exo Cortex 3.0
Thomas Vanz – Odeus
Bruno Ribeiro – L'Effondrement

Selection of open-call films
Part I
9 - Anastasia Isachsen (France/Norway)
Polydomous - Janire Najera (UK)
Shift - Hilights studio
Recoding Entropia - François Vautier (Canada)
Lockdown Dreamscape 360° - Nicolas Gebbe (Germany)

Selection of open-call films
Part II
Sagrado Selvagem - Leticia RMS (Brazil)
Local Dystopias in the Global Utopia - Sergey Prokofyev (Ukraine)
Stardust - Filip Roca (Montenegro)
Undetermined Outcome - Rocco Helmchen & Johannes Kraas (Germany)
I spread - Alejandra Rios Ruiz (Mexico)

1024 architecture
Studio by Pierre Schneider and François Wunschel
1024 architecture is at the origin of immersive installations where architecture and audiovisual performances mix, in urban environment as well as within exhibitions, in France and abroad.
At the opening of the festival, the collective takes on the stage and dome of the Planetarium for a sensory experience.
Mixing quantum field architecture and theories with the imagination and space-time of science fiction, Space XY is a visual encounter between the Dyson sphere and a space station. The live performance in real time is fully generative and presented for the first time at Syllepse 360 during the Mapping Festival in Geneva.
This evening will feature a preview of some works from the festival.
Duration: about 1 hour
Round tables
Two round tables will be held on Saturday, March 23 moderated by Adrien Cornelissen, author and journalist specializing in digital creation. They invite professionals to share their thoughts with the public. Beyond the observation, it is a matter of sharing and confronting by bringing together various profiles of actors in digital arts.
11h-12h30: What is the ecological cost of a XR work?
With Jean-François, lecturer at the Arts & Technologies de l'Image department and in the INREV research team – Digital Image and Virtual Reality, of the Université Paris VIII.
Marc Lopato: Co-founder of Diversion cinema, which produces and broadcasts virtual reality (VR) works since 2016.
Benoit Ruiz: Expert and consultant since 2010 for the low-carbon transition and mitigation of environmental damage from digital activities.
14h30 - 16h: AI & immersive creation: faster, better, stronger?
With artist Ismael Joffroy Chandoutis, who develops an artistic practice that combines video, installation and post-photography through a documentary gesture.
Artist Justine Emard explores the new relationships that are being established between our lives and technology.
Artist and director Bruno Ribeiro's practice is divided between art installations, interactive works, light scenographies, immersive experiences, monumental projections but also videos.
Interactive performance
Conte d'un futur commun
On stage, a storyteller, a musician and an illustrator.
Tale of a common future chooses to collectively explore a desirable future and the ways to achieve it. Participatory show, it is with the help of his smartphone and his voice that the public will participate in the story as a video game.
This story is built as a collective improvisation, where each participant can at any time make it deviate or bifurcate, push it, increase it, divert it.
With: Louis Clément, Delphine Descombin, Yovan Girard, Maxime Hurdequint and Maxime Touroute.
Production: AADN–Arts & Cultures Numériques in Lyon
Co-production: Planétarium de Vaulx-en-Velin, Planétarium de la Cité des sciences et de l'industrie de Paris, Stereolux, Planétarium de Nantes, association Antipodes, Pays d'Art et d'Histoire between Cluny and Tournus.
With the support of the National Film and Animated Image Centre and SACEM.

Louis Clément
What is the narrative process of 360° creation. What are the tools for creation?
Since the Planétarium’s management, Louis Clément has been offering a technical and artistic approach.
Louis Clément is a creator of digital art, scenographer. In addition to his specialization in video projection, he is also a set designer and technical director for musical and artistic projects.
He participated in the Nuit Blanche in Paris with the artist Ojan. His new creation Conte d'un futur commun is available in several formats.
Immersive dome artwork
Presentation on Sunday, March 24 at the session of 17h at the Planetarium.
Framed by the new media artist, Kelit Raynaud, fifteen students of DNMADE Num 3 from the École Estienne produced immersive dome works in less than two days. The sequences were presented during the session on Sunday, March 24 at 5 p.m.
For one year, the students of Master 2 DCN and Licence 3 DNMADE worked on immersive sequences "Passages sous dômes" broadcast at the beginning of each session in the room.
Composition, orchestration & mixing: Thinking music in an immersive environment
Presentation Saturday, March 23 at 4pm with the composer Ghislain Leclant at the Studio son du Carrefour numérique, in free access within the limits of available places.
What are the challenges of composition in an immersive environment?
Are there any specific features of the 5.1 sound recording?
Based on an audiovisual sequence from one of the Planetarium’s films, this workshop illustrates the movement of sound in space and the importance of mixing. Ghislain Leclant has written some twenty scores for the screen, both in fiction and documentary. Between France and Canada, his work is at the crossroads of orchestral and electronic music as well as new media. He has signed creations for Moment Factory, National Geographic and the Société des Arts Technologiques, for the planetariums of Montreal and Paris (Les Lumières de la nuit & le ciel au Moyen Âge).
with the support of the Fonds d'aide à la Création Immersive, funded by the Centre National du Cinéma et de l'image animée.